A couple of weeks back, LDV posed the question, Do you support or oppose Tony Blair becoming the first President of the European Union?
There’s no room for doubt about the overwhelming view of readers of this site (who may or may not be representative of Lib Dem supporters more generally) – here’s what you told us:
>> 27% (144 votes): Yes – no matter what you think of Blair, Europe needs his leadership abilities
>> 73% (389): No – he is the wrong person for the job
Total Votes: 533 Poll ran: 28th October – 17th November 2009
I agree with the majority view – for all his undoubted qualities, Mr Blair’s style of grandstanding, sofa government strikes me as the very opposite of what the European Union needs. I think Nick Clegg was spot-on in his views:
Blair really is the wrong person for this job. He won’t be very good at it and he will not enjoy it. This job is about giving the EU strength that is the sum of its parts, and it is not importing Hollywood stardust in the hope that a political globetrotting superstar will transform the fortunes of the EU.”
Conversely, I think the tactics of Tory shadow foreign secretary William Hague have proven that, for all his advancement of years, he has yet to mature as a politician. The Tories vigorously opposed Mr Blair’s candidacy, though for very different reasons than Mr Clegg – indeed, Mr Hague’s attacks on the man who bested him at the 2001 general election seemed wildly OTT (“over my dead body”) for a man who might soon be leading Britain’s diplomatic strategy in Europe and beyond.
Mr Hague and the Tories’ tactics were a mistake:
1) The Tories look unpatriotic – they have given the appearance of preferring a Belgian prime minister over a British ex-prime minister.
2) The Tories have missed a tactical opportunity – there are many wavering New Labour voters who remain fans of Mr Blair. Mr Hague should have been love-bombing them, not acting gratuitously ungraciously.
3) The Tories look isolationist – for all that they’ve achieved their aim in helping kaibosh Mr Blair’s hopes, Mr Hague’s actions have reinforced the view (at home and abroad) that the UK is much happier grumbling than grappling.
Are any of those also issues for the Lib Dems? Potentially, but Europe is not as divisive issue for our party: no one doubts our commitment to trying to make the EU work better, and we actively promoted the idea of alternative British candidates. The Tories meanwhile seem determined with every action they take – leaving the EPP, blocking Blair – to demonstrate they have no wish to adopt a grown-up foreign policy in Europe.
Shouting angrily from the sidelines, never wanting to get stuck in on the pitch, seems to be their preferred position. It might not matter in opposition; it will sure as hell matter in government.
And let us not forget that you told lies about a referendum on the E.U.
What kind of utter dimbulb would consider opposing Blair unpatriotic, just because he is British & so are we?
He did damage to this country as prime minister, there’s no plausible way in which having him as EU president would benefit us, so it’s quite a remarkable statement.
I’m afraid a grown-up policy on the EU isn’t possible until the French end their childish desire to thwart CAP reform. Sort out CAP and you will be able to prove to Eurosceptics that the EU can be reformed.
Of course we do.
Foreign policy: disaster in Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel.
Economy: Implemented free market policies in which we had a boom financed by debt and light regulation, with disasterous consequences.
Civil Liberties: By being in thrall to Margaret Thatcher and Rupert Murdoch, he set upon the absurdly expensive and flawed National ID Card scheme. Sought to undermine trail by jury.
Equality: Gap between rich and poor continues to widen under a Labour government. As Richard Wilkinson points out in “The Spirit Level”, the consequence of this are appalling.
Global Warming. The UK continues to lag behind other EU countries in renewable energy supplies.
Nuclear Proliferation: Insisted on replacing Trident when we don’t need it and have other priorities to spend our money on.
Public Services: Pathetic when compared to similar EU countries. Complete lack of vision on public transport.
I could go on. In summary as prime minister Tony Blair has been even worse than some of his Tory predecessors.
I will give him credit for 2 things; devolution and helping bring peace to Northern Ireland.
BUt after his disasterous record of failure, the EU would be stupid to appoint him