LDVideo: Strictly Vince

I reckon that I might just get away with this as it’s 9 pm on a Friday night.

As the new series of Strictly Come Dancing gets under way at this very moment, I think we’re due a little reminder of one of our number doing a pretty acceptable Foxtrot a few years ago.

Unbelievably, he was robbed of the title, by a single point, by John Barrowman.

Even if Vince had time to do the full series he wouldn’t be allowed because he has actual ballroom dancing medals.

This wasn’t even his first appearance on the show.

In 2007, when he was acting leader following Menzies Campbell’s resignation, This Week sent him along to dance with then Strictly contestant Alesha Dixon.

Alesha’s quote is worth repeating:

Politicians are like Mars. You know that it ‘s there but you don’t quite know enough about it.

Six years on, the 11th series of Strictly and with it the countdown to Christmas, begins.

* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings

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One Comment

  • Richard Dean 28th Sep '13 - 11:30am

    Reminds me, somehow, of an incident with some giggly girl reporters and a town called Rupert.

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