LDVideo: Willie Rennie says It’s Time for equal marriage

From Pink News – go and read the full story there, but before that, watch Willie Rennie explain why he supports equal marriage:

Liberal Democrat peers, preparing to vote on the Third Reading of the Bill south of the border, please listen to him.

The Equality Network has taught us all a few things about positive campaigning over the last few years. Their Equal Marriage campaign was stupendously good. As the Scottish Parliament prepares to debate equal marriage after the Summer, have a look at their lovely campaign video which, if you ever need cheering up, will do the job.

* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings

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One Comment

  • John Roffey 14th Jul '13 - 5:44am

    Why does the phrase equal marriage always refer to the gay community – where this right does not seem likely to have much practical effect?

    Why does it not refer to straight couples to balance the rights of fathers with mothers – so that if a marriage breaks down the father has an equal right to having the children, house and their former partner being responsible for their upkeep?

    If neither partner knew with nigh certainty who would ‘get the house and children’ – it is very likely that much greater care would be taken by both partners to ensure responsible behaviour and avoid the growing army of children who do not have their father in their lives.

    If this aspect was included – it would justify all of the time and effort spent on the issue as it would have a massive impact on the lives of many children.

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