Many thanks to the 13,200 visitors who dropped by Lib Dem Voice this week. Here’s our 7 most-read posts…
The Liberal case for Leave (121 comments) by Anne Cremin
John Pugh MP writes…2 lessons from Thursday (15 comments) by John Pugh MP
Election expenses: Nine of the Tory MPs being investigated named (7 comments) by The Voice
Tim Pickstone writes…45 gains must only be the start (23 comments) by Tim Pickstone
Liberal Democrats for free trade (59 comments) by Richard Flowers
Progress for Lib Dems in local elections (31 comments) by Thomas Shakespeare
It all kicks off in Wales (24 comments) by Caron Lindsay
Remember: LibDemVoice is our place to talk. So if you’ve got something you want to say, please join in the debate or start one yourself by writing for us.