Here is how we get from here until the announcement of our new leader on 23rd July.
The most important date in that is 7th June. If you aren’t a member then, you won’t get a vote. So join here if you like what we are doing. And share that link around, too. It’s a special one for us.
12th May Nomination forms available
22nd May Opening of nominations
7th June Closing date for delivery of completed nomination papers
Closing date for membership registrations
8th June (4pm) Deadline for withdrawal of candidature
Release of membership lists
12th June (4pm) Deadline for submission of second email
26th June (4pm) Deadline for submission of third email
28th June Dispatch of ballot paper papers
1st July Dispatch of online ballot papers
23rd July (3pm) Deadline for receipt of ballot papers (Close of ballot)
23rd July Verification, count and declaration
* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings
If we’re to get an actual ballot paper AND an online one, what’s to stop people voting twice? (I’m sure this has been thought of, I’m just curious what the answer is).
I think postal ballot papers only go to people for whom the party does not have email addresses or who have asked not to be contacted by email.
That’s right @margaret. The default is online.
Ed Davey was on BBC News this afternoon. It seems to me that as a former cabinet minister he is the front runner. He would make a good leader, but all candidates should be agreed on whether they want to abandon equidistance and should tell us now.
Let’s get on with it.