Lib Dem peer Avebury on working in your 80s

Yesterday’s Guardian carries a feature on three people who have worked way beyond the age when they can collect their State Pension.

One of those is Liberal Democrat Peer Eric Avebury, who has written several articles for Liberal Democrat Voice.

At 84, he’s still attending the House of Lords 4 days a week.

He talks of the driving force that keeps him going:

As I have got older I have become more and more keen on the idea of equality. The evidence shows that most of the ills of society – such as crime, mental illness and so on – are deeply correlated with inequality. I don’t feel there is prejudice directed at me for my age and nor is there particular respect. People realise equality applies to age as it does to gender, race and everything else, and that is the way it should be.

And why he thinks working is good for him.

 On my 80th birthday, I said I am never going to retire and I have stuck to that. It would have been a great disadvantage if I didn’t have work. People who don’t do anything after a certain age decline – the lack of mental stimulation has a bearing on your physical side too.

You can read the whole article here.

* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings

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One Comment

  • As one of Eric’s team of workers in the Orpington by-election (my first heady exposure to Liberal politics) l can only say we did well in getting this remarkable man into the House of Commons. If anything his star has been even more ascendant in the House of Lords. Well done Eric. Keep up the good work!

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