Sal Brinton, the Lib Dem President, has announced that party membership has topped 80,000, with 1000 people joining the Liberal Democrats since Theresa May’s speech announcing that the Tories are going for the most extreme, hard Brexit that they can. 500 people have joined in the last 24 hours since Jeremy Corbyn signalled a 3-line whip for Labour MPs to vote for the triggering of Article 50.
Sal said:
The Liberal Democrats are the real opposition to this Conservative Brexit Government and it is great to welcome so many new members.
For those who oppose Theresa May’s plans to rip Britain out of the single market, away from our biggest trading partners, we are your voice. We will stand up for those who oppose the politics of fear, division and hatred.
The Liberal Democrats are needed more than ever. We are the real voice of opposition to the Conservative Brexit Government and the only party fighting to keep Britain open, tolerant and united.
If you want to join the only serious UK-wide opposition to the Conservatives, you can do so here.
It is a nice pick me up to read this, welcome to all the new folk. Now let’s see if we can make it too 100k and win a by election or two.
Great stuff 🙂
Watching Twitter daily there seems no letup in “I joined today” posts. A great time to be a LibDem.
And the good news does not stop at the Channel!
Ever since the Brexit vote and Trumps election and his inauguration, your Dutch neighbours and soul mates D66 have continued a four year steady growth in membership, up to 26.000 at this moment (official party press release). Considering that the UK population is around four times bigger (63 miljon versus 17 million), we’re not doing bad either.
A principled stance
*) for European unity and co-operation (since 1956 for the Liberals; from our founding in 1966 for D66); and
*) against racism and populism in the UK, EU and now in the US
turns out to be a mobilizing factor.
Just consider that
*) in the Netherlands 8 out of every 10 parties lose members,
*) and I’m sure Labour is losing them (don’t exactly know about the Tories),
*) and the UKIP shambles after Farage left cann’t have helped them (is the new leader back singing from the same sheet as their sole MP?),
it’s us Social Liberals who are gaining ground!
And about “a great time to be a LibDem”: a D66 axioma is “governing means being halved”: “Regeren is halveren”.
That is also part of being as responsible political party.
Question Time showed we’re considered the real opposition (dee LDV posting on that), but that is the easy part (relatively speaking).
As David Steel once said: “go home and prepare for government”; steel yourselves for governing.