Issue 376 of Liberator is on its way to subscribers

This issue’s free sample online content is the Commentary on how the party got both the vote on Syria wrong and the process leading up to it.

Also as a free sample, Seth Thevoz describes how, as he saw it, the attempted ousting of Nick Clegg after the disastrous results of May 2014 nearly succeeded – and why it didn’t.

Elsewhere the issue has news and gossip in Radical Bulletin, book reviews, Lord Bonkers’ latest thoughts and among the articles:

More Cats Needed: Sarah Green offers an answer to the Liberal Democrats’ essay competition

Not In My Name: By backing bombing in Syria the Liberal Democrat MPs voted for a war with no strategy, no path to victory and no exit plan, says David Grace

Reassembling Syria: Susan Simmonds looks at how likely peace can be in a fractured country beset by numerous powerful armed groups

Back to the Pavements: For a Liberal Democrat fightback the party must learn both from its own past and the Tories campaign techniques, says Peter Chegwyn

Power of the Gun Owners: America’s easy access to firearms baffles Europeans. It led to a massacre in Christine Graf’s own town

It’s the NHS That Needs Surgery: New funding options should be explored as the health and social care services face existential threats from funding cuts and rising demand, says Claire Tyler

Let’s Be ‘Avin’ You in Neighbourhoods: Police cuts are damaging community safety in London, but not as badly as in Scotland’s authoritarian and misguided centralisation, says Wendy Kyrle-Pope

Down From A Mountain: Other parties have betrayed an agreement on free elections in Macedonia, explains Marjan Mihajlovski

Lines On A Map: A lesson from Albania shows the dangers for Scotland of single party domination, says Gillian Gloyer

Scum of the Earth: London faces a housing crisis so why is nothing being done about foreign criminals buying up its homes, asks Jonathan Hunt

Back issues and subscription details (£25 a year) are on our website.


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  • Yes, having hoped that post coalition and the disaster of 2015, we would have a new leader with a better idea of keeping to a consistent approach, and the need to rebuild our core vote quickly by being consistent. Instead Syria showed yet another example of how out of touch our MPs are with the electorate and their total irresponsibility with the fortunes of the party.

    Having started with five clear tests they chose to fudge the issue and Tim then pretended it was a success. Well where are the 3,000 child refugees Tim? You ain’t got Cameron’s agreement and the other parties are laughing at you again. Talk big, act small – its not a recipe for any movement. I’m glad I’m out of it.

  • @ Ex Lib Happen to agree with that – and with the pusillanimous Trident shuffle.

    Hope Joe is still subscribing !

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