London Region elections: Peter Ramrayka’s pitch for Chair

Peter Ramrayka for London Regional Chair for Continuity and Expertise – Grounded and Rounded

1. The ASKS of the Region
As we start the fight back The priorities of the Region must include: Looking at different ways to maximize campaigning; identifying fundraising streams to support our activities; working on maximizing the involvement of new members and in the process developing a distinctive London voice; supporting local parties and energetically working on diversity in all forms so that we truly reflect London’s demographics. A significant additional feature for the Regional Executive is to have a balance between old and new members- the former providing continuity and “institutional knowledge”, especially for the more prominent positions and the latter infusing the group with new ideas and challenges. The Chair’s position should be someone who has recent and direct experience of the key challenges of the Region, the ability to hit the ground running mindful of the imminence of the GLA elections, the ability to work well with and support the candidates on the GLA list, in particular the top three and some of the traditional chair’s skill of leadership, time commitment, communications and judgment.

How do I fit into those asks? – Meeting the Person Spec

Currently Secretary of London Region Executive, Member – English Council, Chair -Lewisham Party, Panel member for the recent GLA selections, Member Federal Policy Manifesto Working Group – Public Services (completed) First joined the party (as a Social Democrat) in 1982 was selected as a PPC, stood in local borough elections in 1986 and again in 2014. Will bring to the Chair’s role involvement in a wide range of LD activities including supporting and presenting successful Conference motions on Mental Health and Public Finance Initiative, campaigning and promoting diversity.

In non- political life currently on a Health and Wellbeing Board, Owner/ Managing Director of a Healthcare Management Consultancy, Author of Recycling a Son of the British Raj, formerly Chief Officer/ Board Director in the NHS, International Health Management consultancies in a wide range of developing countries including Mission Director of a Flying Teaching Eye Hospital, Voluntary Service Overseas Voluntary Programme Leader, former Justice of the Peace for Inner London, chair of cultural, health support, and armed services veterans organisations. Academically an MBA graduate, with a Companionship and three fellowships from professional bodies.

Summary responses to some of the particular Chair’s skills are:

Leadership – Over 40+ years at a senior level in the NHS, build teams of multi-professionals and chairing a wide variety of Committees/ Boards including the Lewisham Party;

Commitment – Since being a member of the Region Executive have not missed any meetings, have worked closely with the Chair and have a good understanding of the functioning of the Region and its priorities.

Communication – As Secretary of the Region organised all full Executive meetings, took follow up actions. Built on substantial number of years as Chief Administrator/ Board Director of healthcare organisations.

Judgment: As Chair of several professional, voluntary and political Committees accustomed to listening, involving all participants and orchestrating sound decisions.

* Peter Ramrayka is a candidate for chair of London Region in the 2015 elections.

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