Yesterday, Nick Clegg did a long and quite technical interview with Andrew Neil on the Sunday Politics. They talked about the fragility of the economy, measures taken by the Coalition to boost construction and manufacturing and the Green Investment Bank. They also talked about Nick’s decision to kill off the so-called Snoopers’ Charter. Neil showed him quotes from senior police officers and he said quite unequivocally that the Police had enough powers already. You can watch the whole interview here and for a quick summary, I’ve done a collection of my tweets on Storify.
* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings
He’s a good guy, that Nick. He is sympathetically presented in that excellent and revealing book: ‘the Government’s Top Salesman Tells All’.
I for one, thought this was a very good performance. A greater sense of gravitas and less bland buzz phrases than usual, while keeping relaxed and confident under fire. The section on the Snooper’s charter and the European Court also indicates a much firmer stance on distancing the Lib Dems from the Tories on civil liberties issues. More of this please.