Now, about those secret party elections we told you about the other week…

A couple of weeks ago, we told you about those important party elections, details of which were hidden in an obscure corner of the party website. Well, our stirring did generate a few nominations which meant that there were a good few contested positions.

Federal Executive members voted over last weekend and the results were declared last night. Here they are in full:

Deputy Chair of the Federal Executive

Neil Fawcett

Federal Finance and Administration Committee Chair 

Peter Dunphy

FFAC Members 

Liz Leffman
Glenn Hughes
Peter Ellis
Edward Lord
Seth Thevoz

Party Treasurer 

Ian Wrigglesworth

Campaigns and Communications Committee Chair

James Gurling

CCC Members 

Candy Piercy
Martin Tod

Chair of the International Relations Committee

Robert Woodthorpe-Browne

Vice-chairs of the IRC (2)

David Simmons

Members of the SAO Review Group (4)

Rabi Martins

FE Candidates’ sub-group (3)

Sue Doughty

FCC Representatives (2) 

Kavya Kaushik
James Gurling

ALDE Council Representative (1) 

Robert Woodthorpe-Browne

ALDE Congress representatives  (2)

David Simmons

Liberal International Executive representatives (2) 

Phil Bennion
Ab Brightman

Liberal International Congress representatives (2)

No nominations received

Diversity Engagement Group Members (3) *

Daisy Cooper
Pauline Pearce
Ed Fordham

Nominations will be re-opened for the following positions which are opened to all members of the party:

2 Liberal International Congress representatives

1 Vice Chair of the International Relations Committee

1 ALDE Congress Representative

3 members of the (S)AO Review Group

The following post is open to members of the Federal Executive only.

We will publish the timetable for the elections and details of how you can stand as soon as we get it.


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  • One position I would like to see especially after the calamity the party suffered with regard to inappropriate behaviour allegations that there is a member to represent the staff the party employs

  • Caron Lindsay Caron Lindsay 20th Jan '15 - 4:34pm

    There are staff reps on FFAC.

  • really?

  • Rob: Yes. Many years ago I was the FE staff rep.

  • Though, IIRC, they only represent those employed directly by the Federal party (ie LDHQ and Campaigns) and not those employed by state parties, regions, local parties, council groups, elected officials (MPs, MEPs, AMs, MSPs), or by the leader’s office or (any of the) whips’ offices – or also SpAds now we’re in government.

    There are more party staff who aren’t represented than those who are.

  • Kevin McNamara 21st Jan '15 - 3:40pm

    Richard, there is now a Field Staff Rep but I am not sure what definition is of Field Staff (or how the vast majority of staff can be represented by *one* person)

  • Liberal Neil 21st Jan '15 - 3:52pm

    Richard raises an important point but also a tricky one.

    What is the right way to represent staff employed by ‘the party’ in its wider sense but who are not actually employed by the Federal Party? Any employee who is a member and is not employed by the Federal Party is entitled to stand for election.

    As it happens, as a result of that, you now have a Deputy Chair of the FE who is employed by two different bits of ‘the party’ but is not employed by the Federal Party.

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