Come and pitch your idea for political reform to our “dragons’ den” style panelists, Lynne Featherstone MP, Baroness Ros Scott and Alice Delemare (Electoral Reform Society), moderated by Katie Razzall from Channel 4 News.
This fringe event is at 1-2pm on Wednesday, 22nd September at ACC Liverpool , Hall 11C.
In the coming year we have a once in a generation opportunity to change politics for good: getting rid of the first past the post system and reforming the House of Lords. With Nick Clegg in charge of political reform, Liberal Democrats have a unique opportunity to shape the reform agenda. Our Fringe event will explore that – but not in the normal way, with the usual suspects. We’re doing this in a “new politics” way.
We’re inviting YOU to send us YOUR idea for political reform. From the entries we receive, three people will be invited to make their own three–minute pitch to our panelists and audience in Liverpool.
Tell us how YOU think political reform can best serve the British people. How a reformed second chamber can deliver the benefits of diversity, harnessing the full spectrum of female and ethnic minority talent in modern Britain. How together we can change the culture of politics.
Then hear what our “dragons’ den” panelists and audience think of YOUR idea.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Kirsten Smith, Lee Chalmers, Jo Shaw & Dinti Batstone
How to Enter
Send a one-page outline of your idea for political reform to [email protected] no later than 12 noon on Sunday 19 September 2010. We will notify presenters of the chosen pitches no later than 12 noon on Monday 20 September (you must be available to present your pitch in person at our Fringe event on Wednesday 22 September).
The Event
If your pitch is chosen, you will be invited to make your three-minute presentation at our Fringe event. After your pitch, the panel and audience will have 5 minutes to put questions/ brief comments to you and you will then have a single 2 minute right of reply. You don’t have to answer every question, but what you say will affect the views of the panel and audience.
Once all three pitches have been presented each of our “dragons’ den” panelists will comment on what they have heard. Our moderator may also ask the audience for its verdict by a show of hands.
The Small Print
o Both individuals and organisations are welcome to submit pitches and in either case the outline submitted must list the name, telephone number and e-mail address of the person who will be presenting the pitch if selected.
o The organisers’ choice of ‘pitchers’ is final.
o If for any reason a ‘pitcher’ wishes to withdraw s/he must notify the organisers immediately.
o The pitch presented orally at the Fringe must be consistent with the outline submitted and last no more than three minutes. It will be timed, and if the three minute allowance is exceeded the moderator can stop the ‘pitcher’ at any point.
One Comment
Very simple: join the three reform MPs. The bill has excellent amendments jointly moved by a Conservative electoral reformer Douglas Carswell, a Labour electoral reformer Mark Lazarowicz, and Green Party leader Caroline Lucas.
“3) The questions that are to appear on the ballot paper are—
“(1) Do you want to change the current “first past the post” system for electing Members of Parliament to the House of Commons?
(2) If there were a change, list your order of preference, 1, 2, 3, for the United Kingdom to adopt:
(a) The ‘alternative vote’ system,
(b) The ‘additional member’ system, or
(c) The ‘single transferable vote’ system with multi-member constituencies?”.