If you’re sick of hearing about this, just skip it. If you haven’t sent your nominations off yet, then consider this a reminder. I know I’ve been banging on about this a lot this week, but I wanted to put in a post in the morning, afternoon and evening so that most people would get the chance to see it.
Two weeks ago, I introduced this year’s Liberal Democrat Voice Awards and invited you to submit your nominations by Friday 23rd August. That deadline is now hurtling towards us like a herd of stampeding elephants. There has been a steady flow of nominations so far, but that won’t be much good to you if your favourite blog, or tweeter, or campaign or post hasn’t been put forward.
To nominate, you need to send your suggestions to [email protected] as soon as you can. Please also feel free to publicise the awards on your own blog or via social media. In the olden days, before I was a member of the team, I used to do posts about the bloggers I’d be nominating. If you want to do so, that would be most welcome.
This year’s awards are as follows:
- Liberal Democrat Blog of the Year
- Liberal Democrat Blog-post of the year
- Liberal Democrat Tweeter/Facebooker of the Year
- Best use of social media by an elected representative (Tim Garden award)
- Best online campaign run by a Liberal Democrat
We are asking for nominations for the shortlists for these awards. They will then be judged by our esteemed panel of judges. Liberal Democrat Voice and any official blogs run by the party aren’t eligible either.
We also seek nominations for the following new awards. The shortlists will then be put to a vote of our forum of party members. That’s right. This year, we are giving our readers who are members of the party the chance to choose the majority of our winners.
- Lib Dem Councillor of the Year
- The Lib Dems’ Favourite Tory MP award
- The Lib Dems’ Favourite Labour MP award
- Best online campaign of the year (non Lib Dem)
- Best photograph of a Liberal Democrat Parliamentarian
For these we will need nominations plus a very brief – and I’m talking no more than a sentence – reason why. We will then compile the shortlists from those and poll to our members’ forum.
You’ve got until 23rd August to nominate your favourites, but the sooner the better (and you can send more than one set if you’d like). Please don’t feel the need to round up hundreds of people to nominate your blog as the number of nominations aren’t taken into account.
Send in your nominations by email to [email protected] and remember to state which award category you’re nominating for, in each case.
The shortlists will then be put to a vote of our forum of party members. That’s right. This year, we are giving our readers who are members of the party the chance to choose the majority of our winners.
And there’s even more. There are other awards that you will have the chance to vote for:
- Lib Dem Minister of the Year
- Lib Dem MP of the Year
- Lib Dem parliamentarian (non-minister) of the Year (open to MSPs, MEPs, Peers, AMs GLAMs
All will be eligible for these categories.
And there’s even more than that…
- Best Political Commentator (print/online) of the Year
- Best Political Broadcaster (TV/radio) of the Year
These awards will be chosen form a shortlist based on the answers in our recent survey. Again, all members in our members’ forum will have the chance to vote.
And, of course, once the deadine is over, you can then get to thinking about the imaginative dress you will be wearing to the ceremony itself…
* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings
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Lib Dem Voice has to be impartial, so it’s not plugging anyone, but my alternative way of being impartial is to plug a lot of people. For me, these awards should be about celebrating the best of Lib Dem bloggers, so I’ve picked two dozen posts from two dozen bloggers across the year for my Carnival of the Lib Dems – A Celebration of Blog Posts.
Take a look to see if your favourite’s in it (or if you are), and if not, put in the comments!
Either way, I hope they’ll remind you of some of the best and give spur ideas for who and what to nominate.