So what was Vince Cable doing in Sheffield Hallam?

Twitter was awash with rumours the other night that Jared O’Mara, the MP with the racist, misogynyist and homophobic internet past, was close to resigning.

That would create a by-election in the Sheffield Hallam seat where he beat Nick Clegg in June.

In what we are sure is an entirely unrelated development, Vince Cable went to Sheffield yesterday to campaign with the new Sheffield Hallam candidate, Laura Gordon.

Spot our Joe Otten in the background there.

Vince heard all about the trees that the Labour council is going to such desperate measures to destroy.

Laura tells us why she’s standing in this video:

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  • Hate to sound a discordant note, but are pictures of party candidates surrounded by supporters waving placards supposed the have people rushing to vote for us , especially when it’s the same supporters, more or less, in each photo ? Come on marketing dept., let’s start thinking outside the box.

  • Good luck Laura !!

  • Yeovil Yokel 26th Nov '17 - 11:34pm

    I’m impressed and heartened by our recent crop of women candidates & MP’s, from Liz Leffman in Witney through to Laura in Sheffield Hallam – I hope we can see Sarah Olney re-take Richmond Park in the not-too-distant future.

  • Jared would be foolish to resign. He can sit there picking up his pay cheque till the next election. He doesn’t even have to turn up at Westminster. Given his political career seems to be toast what’s to lose by staying compared with what he loses by going. He can’t even be recalled as his aleged “offences” don’t fall into the small number that allow recall to be used.

  • Robert (Somerset) 27th Nov '17 - 9:23am

    …….and by standing at the next election, albeit as an independent, and being defeated he qualifies, as the sitting member, for a severance package worth a few bob.

  • Can someone please ask Laura to stand up straight …… she looks like she is slumping ….. not good

  • Tony Dawson 27th Nov '17 - 5:10pm

    “Spot our Joe Otten in the background there”

    I was previously unaware that seagulls read LDV! 😉

  • Richard Underhill 14th Jul '18 - 9:19am

    The BBC has reported that Jared O’Mara has resigned from the Labour Party, but not as the MP for Sheffield Hallam.

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