It’s less than 5 weeks till Liberal Democrats gather in York for what could, but possibly won’t be, the last Conference before the General Election.
The agenda and directory have now been published and you can read them here. We have been amusing ourselves seeing how many target seat PPCs we can see proposing or summating motions. We will see plenty more giving speeches across the weekend, too. It’s a real opportunity to show your potential constituents that you are supporting things that will make their lives better.
In his foreword, Ed Davey is keen to say how well we are doing and how hard we are working to get rid of the Conservatives.
We have started this year with a bang. The canvassing operation that kickstarted in January has smashed records. And we will not give up until the job is done. Until the Conservatives are out of government. As we know, this is just the first step in bringing about the big changes our country needs. We have always been the party with big ideas. In York, we will get together and debate these to make change happen and to deliver a fair deal.
With debates on cancer survival rates, hospital building, clean water, helping cash strapped councils, international security and education, we will have a lot to say on the issues that matter most to voters.
The text of the motions is in the agenda. If you want to put in an amendment, you have until Monday 4 March at 1pm. The deadline is the same for questions to committees and to the leader in his q and for emergency and topical motions. You can submit them all here.
If you fancy putting forward an amendment, feel free to write about it for us.
The fringe has all sorts of interesting discussions including how to support LGBT+ young people to how to have a liberal and principled debate on immigration, improving the dire state of maternity care and tackling the growing poverty crisis facing many older women.
All that and the famous whisky tasting (which has an extra cost) and the infamous Glee Club.
It’s going to be a brilliant weekend.
reminds me – what happened about the missing agenda and directory for the autumn conference?
I’m not asking for my money back, but hundreds of us paid for it, Conference Staff sent it out, which is all precious time and money.
mine never came, it must be somewhere?
I can’t see why anyone would have pinched them all.
I’m surprised, given the promises made at Autumn Conference, that there isn’t a single session on the manifesto, either in the Fringe or the main hall. With an impending GE, I’d have thought this would be front and centre – and an extra incentive for members to come to Spring Conference.