There is a lot of cynicism out there about Twitter, and, yes, for some time I was one of the realists.
No longer, for a couple of hours ago Twitter almost provided Lib Dem Voice with a genu-ine world exclusive shock horror with bells on.
Jo Swinson tweeted from the Chamber at 15.39 as follows:
in Parl hearing Jack Straw vetoing releasing Cabinet minutes of Iraq war even though FOI tribunal ordered it – shocking
Now, if only I’d been farting about on Twitter like I should have been and not doing productive things like speccing for new work, I’d have been able to scoop on that. As it is, the Beeb had the story up about thirty-five minutes ago. I bet this sort of thing doesn’t happen to Iain Dale.
Well it WAS an exclusive, for those of us who saw the tweet – or in my case, a re-tweet which I faithfully re-re-tweeted!
It’s difficult to see how reporting something said in Parliament could be an _exclusive_ …
First of da meedja, I meant.
Damn – and I was just thinking how incredibly cool and useful Twitter was ‘cos I could have read a message from Stephen Fry about being stuck in a lift several hours sooner than I actually did.
You might want to know – though I don’t know if it can be helped? – that the, er, more *choice* comments from “potent force” show up on the email notifications.