Tag Archives: balfour beatty

Julian Huppert: Why I’m supporting calls for a PFI Rebate

Ask most people about the Private Finance Initiative (PFI) and they will associate it with just one individual: Gordon Brown.

In fact, the PFI was introduced by the Conservatives as long ago as 1992, when Norman Lamont announced it in his Autumn Statement. On the surface, it was a simple idea, aimed at increasing the involvement of the private sector in the provision of public services. Rather than simply building public facilities, the PFI enables the design, financing and operation of public services to be carried out by the private sector.

There were obvious benefits to be gained from such partnerships – …

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  • Tristan Ward
    Personally , and following JS Mill, I am wary of having my children (or any children) educated by the state given the state's tendency to insist that citizens a...
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    More "Kropotkin than Clegg" Given Kropotkin was proponent of anarchist communism it is not hard to understand why Ben Wood is worrying about what Liberalism ...
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    So start writing in detail about how to redefine social liberalism in the face of current challenges. Organise some seminars in the margins of campaigning, and...
  • Ruth Clark
    Kropotkin or Clegg? Not a tough contest is it Ben? Love this!...