Tag Archives: bracknell blog

Two more gains in local by-elections… and some post-match blogging

The Liberal Democrats gained two seats in by-elections held on 25 February.

In Eastwood South (Broxtowe District Council) the Lib Dems surged ahead of Labour:
LD Keith Longdon 985 (53.1; +34.0)
Lab 484 (26.1; -12.1)
Con 387 (20.9; -0.4)

In Fenstanton ward, Huntingdonshire District Council, the Lib Dems gained a seat from the Tories:
LD Colin Saunderson 391 (51.1; +4.2)
Con 337 (44.1; -4.1)
Lab 37 (4.8; -0.1)

For this week’s full results, commentary and fantastic victory photo see the ALDC website.

Mark “Reckons” Thompson was the candidate in the Owlsmoor by-elections and has blogged about it in My experiences as a

Posted in Council by-elections | Also tagged , , , , , , and | 2 Comments

Daily View 2×2: 1 December 2009

Welcome to December (political pinch-punch and no returns?)

Today is World Aids Day and also 90 years since the first female MP, Nancy Astor, took her seat in the Commons.

2 Must-Read Blog Posts

What are other Liberal Democrat bloggers saying? Here are two posts that have caught the eye from the Liberal Democrat Blogs aggregator:

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Recent Comments

  • David Allen
    UK democracy used to work. It was basically class conflict between Tory and Labour. Unedifying, but by and large, voters did know what they were voting for. ...
  • Joseph Bourke
    At present, the USA is likely the only country with sufficient stocks to quickly supply Ukraine's needs. Buying American defence products does. however, come ...
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    The Democrats have tried twice and failed to impeach Donald Trump. The reason: Congress is split along by by partisan lines and a 2/3 majority in in the Senate ...
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    @Tom: The proposal seems plausible - and personally I'm open to anything that might help Ukraine on the battlefield. The idea has the advantage that Trump would...
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