Tag Archives: christmas present ideas

King John’s Christmas Presents

For some years now I have been in the habit of making Christmas presents for friends and relatives, which usually take the shape of home made fragrances. This year I thought I would adapt my hobby to raise some money for my favourite cause, the People’s Vote.

Basically I am giving a few of these items away, on the understanding that the recipients will make a donation to the campaign. This is a win-win situation in that I feel I am doing my bit to help the country out of its quagmire, whilst the People’s Vote gets some cash and …

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Last-minute Christmas present ideas from the LDV team

There are just two shopping days left ’til Christmas, so if you’re still scrambling round for a last-minute pressie for a politico, here are a handful of ideas from Stephen Tall, Caron Lindsay and Paul Walter to help…

Stephen Tall

Stephen Tall - resized - small - H&S

Liberalism: The Life of an Idea – Edmund Fawcett
There are lots of books around about liberalism as an idea: this one focuses on liberalism as reality, and how it’s decisively shaped the past 200 years of American and European history. In the wrong hands, this could be scholarly but dry, important yet dull. As it is, Fawcett’s touch is both light and incisive (eg, ‘At times the liberal state tamed the market. At others, the liberal market tamed the liberal state.’). Highly recommended.

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Christmas present ideas from the LDV team and friends: Day 9

Giles Goodall at ALDENext up in our series of Christmas present ideas comes from regular contributor and Euro candidate Giles Goodall.

Just in the nip of time for Christmas – with a release date two days after the last ever episode airs on BBC4 – comes the box set of all three series of Denmark’s hit political drama. Which self-respecting, Europe-minded, coalitionist Lib Dem could be without the Borgen Trilogy?

After the heady days of a surprise election victory, novelty of entering government, and mounting pressure of compromising on your ideals in

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Christmas present ideas from the LDV team and friends, days 6, 7 and 8

We’ve fallen a bit behind with our Christmas present ideas, so here we catch up with 3 ideas.

The first is from party president Tim Farron who wants us to look up. Literally. He suggests that a telescope would be an amazing gift because:

It opens up the awesomeness of everything.

Regular LDV contributor Alisdair Calder McGregor suggests this Doctor Who laden page. He says:

I don’t think I really have to explain why do I?

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Christmas present ideas from the LDV team and friends: Day 5

Mark Pack's snazzy clipboardDo you have a great big long list of people to buy Christmas presents for and no idea what to give them? I hope that you will find our ongoing series of present suggestions helpful.

Today, our former co-editor Mark Pack puts forward something that will surprise nobody. He’s always keen to make sure that Liberal Democrats are the best equipped political geeks around. Last year he was keen to ensure that we didn’t let a little bit of snow and ice get in the way of …

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Christmas present ideas from the Liberal Democrat Voice team and friends – Day 4

As we’re untangling the tinsel and dusting off our baubles in LDV Towers, we’re inviting our team and some of our friends to suggest some ideas for Christmas presents which we hope will inspire you.

Today it’s the turn of Yorkshire’s Jennie Rigg who has two suggestions.

First up, it’s Lego Lord of the Rings

Lego LotR has got to be a winner, right? We have Shelob dangling from the curtain rail in our living room and we’re all Lib Dems, and Lib Dems like building things, whether that’s winning election teams or miniature battle sets (and seriously, the number of

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Christmas present ideas from the LDV team and friends – Day 3

Welcome to Day 3 of our  series of Christmas present ideas. Today it’s the turn of Mary Reid.

Sweet-ToothSweet Tooth by Ian McEwan

Ian McEwan has written another masterful novel, set in the murky world of MI5 in the 1970s. The outcome is actually given away in the first paragraph, but the final chapter is still surprising and revelatory. In between, we follow a young and seemingly ill-prepared recruit to the service as she is given the task of subverting a novelist. She had herself been introduced to MI5 by an older …

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Christmas present ideas from the LDV team and friends – Day 2

On this Mega Monday, here are two Christmas present suggestions from our own Nick Thornsby.

letters of arthur schlesingerThe letters of Arthur Schlesinger Jr.

Edited by his two sons, this collection of Arthur Schlesinger’s letters gives a fascinating insight into many of the key events in 20th century American history. And unlike most historians, Schlesinger often found himself mixed up in those events, particularly where they involved the Democratic party. He famously spent time working as an adviser in the JFK White House, so there is interesting material from before, during and …

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Christmas present ideas from the LDV team and friends…Day 1

We are very strict at LDV Towers. There must be no mention of Christmas before 1st December, but now that we’re here, the holly, baubles and tinsel are being dusted off. Rumours that we were going to have a lights display spelling out Stronger Economy, Fairer Society have proved wide of the mark, though.

We thought we might help you with some of your Christmas shopping with a few suggestions. The first suggestion comes from Stephen Tall:

An officer and a spyBook: An officer and a spy, by Robert Harris available here.

This …

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Recent Comments

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