Tag Archives: english liberal democrats

What is the English Party?

If you’ve seen the recent Election Review, you’ll have read that the Lib Dems have obscure processes and committees that seem to get in the way of democracy and/or effectiveness. In this, we’re probably not much different to many other parties and groups but if we want liberalism to flourish we should probably aim to liberate our party from such things where possible. As a new member, I thought I’d try to work out the makeup of the party and hit a wall: the English Party. What is it? Who runs it? What do they do?

Google indicates that the …

Posted in Op-eds and Party policy and internal matters | Also tagged | 20 Comments

And the new chair of the English Liberal Democrats is….

Liz Leffman

…the excellent Liz Leffman, who performed so brilliantly well as our candidate in the Witney by-election, coming much closer than anyone expected in one of the safest Tory seats in the country.

I have worked with her on the Federal Finance and Administration Committee for five years now and I have the highest regard for her. She is one of those people who is always there with a calm and sensible solution when everyone else is scratching their heads. 

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A bit of advice to the English Liberal Democrats – sort your gender balance out and soon

I realise I could get myself into trouble here, as a Scot, offering advice to a fellow State party, but please be assured  that it is meant in a sisterly way. You  may think of it as annoying-little-sisterly but I have an annoying little sister I adore and couldn’t be without.

Anyway, tomorrow the English Council Executive has its first meeting the English Party elections. At this meeting its office bearers and committee representatives for 2015 will be chosen. For more details of what is on the agenda, Anders Hanson, outgoing Regional Chair of Yorkshire and the Humber and a directly elected member for 2015 has provided a very good summary here.

The big problem with ECE is with gender balance. Next year’s 23-3 male/female split is, believe it or not an improvement on this year’s. Anders has this analysis of the situation:

Posted in Op-eds | 37 Comments

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