We’re now on the second day of LGBT History Month 2018.
One of the things that makes me most proud to be a Liberal Democrat is our record on LGBT+ rights and equality.
We have, indeed, always been there on these issues…leading the way, with pioneering policies and brave advocates.
From campaigning for an end to discriminatory legislation such as Section 28, which barred the ‘promotion’ of homosexuality in schools, to enacting Same Sex Marriage legislation during the 2010-15 Coalition Government (by far, in my humble opinion, the best thing we did in office)…thank you, Lynne Featherstone!
From LGBT+ Lib Dems, to activists, Councillors, Parliamentarians and Ministers, Lib Dems have, overwhelmingly, been on the right side of history when it comes to the need for full equality for all of our communities.
As a gay man, I’ll always be so, so proud that it was Lib Dems in government who helped to ensure I and millions like me became as near to fully equal under the law as we’ve ever been.
The Labour government which proceeded the Coalition also deserves a good deal of credit on this agenda, to be fair.
But until everyone is equal, none are equal.
We must remember that in one part of these islands, Northern Ireland, Same Sex Marriage is still illegal…as the DUP, which props up the UK Tory government, continues to block progressive change in the province.
And until trans and non-binary folks are respected and made equal under the law, then we Lib Dems still have much work to do.