Tag Archives: london mayoral election 2021

WATCH NOW: Luisa Porritt launches her campaign for Mayor of London and her plan to Take London Forward

Live on Facebook, Luisa Porritt is launching her campaign for Mayor of London at 11am.

Click on Luisa’s Facebook page here to see the launch live.

In addition, here below is Luisa’s video to accompany her launch today:

In her speech at 11am, Lusia will launch the Liberal Democrat plan to Take London Forward.

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Luisa Porritt selected as our candidate for London Mayor

Luisa Porritt has tweeted this today:

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Luisa Porritt and Geeta Sidhu-Robb to contest London Mayoral selection

This week, London Lib Dems announced their shortlist to be the Liberal Democrat candidate to be London Mayor. This is taking place after Siobhan Benita took the difficult decision to stand down at the end of July. They have chosen former MEP Luisa Porritt and Geeta Sidhu-Robb. We have invited them both to write for us so you will hear from them soon on this site.


From the London Lib Dems website:

Luisa Porritt is Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group on Camden Council and a former Liberal Democrat MEP for London.

Geeta Sidhu-Robb is CEO and founder of health and wellbeing company Nosh Detox, and former Vice-Chair of the People’s Vote Campaign.

The winner will be announced on Tuesday 13th October.

London Liberal Democrat Party Chair, Ben Sims, said:

“We are excited to start this contest to select our candidate for the London Mayoral Election in 2021. The Liberal Democrats are determined to offer Londoners hope for the future and, with two fantastic candidates, whoever wins will be ready to champion our vision.”

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