Liberalism. “You can’t define it.” “It’s too wishy-washy. “Too centrist. “Too woolly.”
The words of my A level students when they begin their course on Political Ideologies each year. The good news here is that there is a definitive answer. One that students have to learn for their exams.
Firstly, the common values to all sorts of Liberalism. Liberalism is a centrist ideology which is based on the twin values of individualism and a negative/selfish but rational view of human nature.
All liberals also believe in democracy in some form, tolerance, some rights, freedom (see below), and limited government. Not the size of Government, but the fact that all liberals are suspicious of government. Therefore, they believe in check and balances such as codified constitutions, and a separation of powers and devolution, for example.
Liberalism’s first form was classical liberalism. When it came to the size of government, this was very small – the nightwatchman state. Government should be like a security guard, only awake at night, to preserve our liberty. This nightwatchman state had 3 functions: