Tag Archives: surrey

Lib Dems oppose new oil drilling site

Ed Davey is quoted extensively in the Independent on the plans to build a new oil drilling site in Surrey at Horse Hill, which is not far from Gatwick Airport.

Surrey County Council’s decision to permit the development will be reviewed in the Court of Appeal next month after challenges by local residents. The Government is expected to defend the decision – just days before COP26.

Ed has written to Alok Sharma, the climate minister:

This new oil field is the equivalent to ministerial colleagues breaking your cricket bat just as you walk out to the crease at Cop26.

Your job is to hold China to account for their new oil infrastructure – how can you do that when your government is building its own?

As the minister responsible for Cop26, you must put party allegiances aside, and call for the government to oppose this new oil field and immediately call in the planning application.

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Good news – a big Liberal Democrat by-election gain from the Tories in Surrey

A massive 27.4 increase in the vote saw the Liberal Democrats gain a Council seat in deepest Tory Mole Valley last night.

The other two by-elections from last night saw us field candidates where we hadn’t before, attracting almost 5 and 14% respectively.

Congratulations to new Councillor Joe Crome and his team for such a brilliant result. Here’s what he wrote about himself for the Dorking Advertiser:

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In other news… Lib Dem police commissioner candidates, Lady Steel’s pink jaguar tattoo, & other stories

Here’s a round-up of stories we haven’t had time to cover on the site this past few days…

Nick O’Shea named as Lib Dem Surrey Crime Commissioner candidate (BBC News)

Nick O’Shea is a businessman and former Mole Valley District Councillor. … Commissioners, to be elected in England and Wales in November, will oversee the work of police, which ministers say will make forces more accountable. … Police Crime Commissioners will replace police authorities in 41 areas in November.

You can visit Nick’s website here.

Pete Levy is Lib Dem choice as Avon and Somerset police commissioner (BBC News)

A Bristol councillor

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