++ The ayes have it! Equal marriage approved with 225 vote majority

The BBC reports:

MPs have voted overwhelmingly in favour of the government’s legislation for same-sex marriage in England and Wales. At the conclusion of the Commons’ first opportunity to debate the The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill, MPs voted by 400 to 175, a majority of 225, in favour of the legislation.

It’s estimated some 140 Tory MPs voted to reject equal marriage.

Here was my immediate reaction…

And here’s what some Lib Dem MPs had to say today…

* Stephen was Editor (and Co-Editor) of Liberal Democrat Voice from 2007 to 2015, and writes at The Collected Stephen Tall.

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  • And will the same LibDem MPs troop through the lobbies to support the Secret Courts Bill? Interesting priorities at work…

  • Kevin McNamara 6th Feb '13 - 2:56am

    james, i honestly don’t know how that is related.

  • R Uduwerage-Perera 7th Feb '13 - 8:01am

    The passing of this Bill is fantastic, but at the same time we are party to the Tories desire to debilitate the effectiveness of the very legislation that will be needed to enforce these changes.

    The Equality Act, 2010 is under threat. There is an attempt through the Enterprise and Regulatory Bill to remove key clauses that the Tories believe inhibit employers from being effective, which they do, it stops them from being effective abusers of their staff.

    For a brief summary of the proposed changes, check out the Equality and Diversity Forum website http://www.edf.org.uk/blog/?p=18998

    Baroness Meral Hussein- Ece is currently championing the corner in the Lords, but more support is needed if we are going to save the equalities legislation that this country could once rightly be so proud of.

    Ruwan Uduwerage-Perera
    English Party Diversity Champion
    07886 799256

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