The best tonic for those post-election blues

Let's face it, we all need a pick-me-up. And what better way to raise our spirits than free food, lots of time to chat, and, of course, some invigorating campaigning?

This May and June, you're spoilt for choice. We've not one, not two, but three Regional Action Days coming up, in Brent, North Norfolk and Berwick-upon-Tweed.

The days will follow the successful formula followed earlier this year in Colchester, Carshalton and Wallington, and Cambridge.  We will meet in the morning for hot drinks, with a morning campaigning session, a simple free lunch, and an afternoon session.  Then, as a thank you, the local party will provide a free evening meal. You can come for part of a day, or the whole day.

Sarah Teather, MP for Brent Central

The days will be suitable for beginners.  If someone wants to try door-knocking for the first time, there will be scripts giving suggestions of what to say and the chance to team up with more experienced people. These are also a great chance to swap campaigning ideas and experience with some of the best campaigners and politicians from your region.

But you'll need to register. These events are all about giving you the best possible experience, but for that to happen, we need to know how many will be coming. That way, the local teams will know what food you would like, how much campaigning material to prepare, and when you'll be arriving.

So if you can come, please register:

Norman Lamb, MP for North Norfolk

For Brent Central on Saturday, May 19th, at

For North Norfolk on Saturday, May 26th at

For Berwick-upon-Tweed on Saturday June 23th, you can sign up at the Facebook page, and a registration page will be available shortly.

If you'd like to come, but aren't yet sure, you can also provisionally register.  This will really help with planning, as it gives us a much better idea of how many will come.

Alan Beith, MP Berwick-upon-Tweed

For those who live too far away to attend, there are two other ways you can get involved: You can encourage your friends who live nearer to Brent, Norfolk or Berwick to come.  And you can get in touch with your local region or state to let them know that, if they start a programme in your region, you'll be happy to help promote the events.

And why not bring a group from your local party with you?  These aren't just campaigning days, they're fun and sociable, and a great way to get new people involved.  And, if you're part of a party organisation, why not follow the excellent example of Liberal Youth, and get a group from your organisation to attend?

* George Kendall is the acting chair of the Social Democrat Group. He writes in a personal capacity.

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  • Personally, I would rather help MPs who did not vote to raise tuition fees. Do let us know when these events are called in their constituencies.

  • Terry- I think you’ll find that the pledge was to VOTE AGAINST (rather than not vote for), and NO EXCEPTIONS were specified. Bad news for eg Evan Harris and Lembit Opik, anyway.

  • Anyone who has been Parliamentary candidate knows the horror of the avalanche of special pleading campaigns. And that some of the senders assume that their issue is the ONLY one that matters.
    I avoided as many as possible, took some HQ advice, and, where it was a local campaign answered very carefully..
    But they can take up a ridiculous amount of time in a very short campaign period. And most people will get something wrong.
    If the outcome is that no promises are given, we will have different politics.
    Too much to hope they will be realistic.

  • George Kendall 12th May '12 - 6:05pm

    So far, in the East of England, there have been Regional Action Days in Colchester, Cambridge, and Norwich South. Didn’t you read emails about those?

    All members in the region should have been emailed about the first two, and I thought you were emailed about Norwich South?

  • Funny how they are all in held seats. The party now fights a small cluster of seats, with the leadership caring little about campaigning in the rest of the country.

  • Sadie is absolutely right about the welter of organisations contacting you, and the vast range of subjects you are expected to know everything about.. AND have a considered opinion about. If you say you don’t yet know all the related issues that will help you form your judgement upon which way to vote you sound so woolly and unreliable. They expect you to know the issue and be in the forefront of their campaign, and of course it is more important than anything else.!

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