There’s no prize at stake – just the opportunity to prove you’re wittier than any other LDV reader …
Here’s Nick Clegg campaigning with the Lib Dems’ Manchester Withington MP John Leech at a primary school – but what do you reckon Nick’s saying, or the kids (or John) are thinking?
The winner of our most recent caption competition, the “David Cameron sucks bitter lemon” edition – according to The Voice’s judging panel of one – was this one by Jen.
Leech: “Well, it would explain how so many leaflets come out of such a small office.”
“Regeneration works in politics too – the great young hope with a change agenda used to look like David Cameron, but now he looks like me!”
“It is possible to change the future. All you have to do is promise to vote for me in 2010.”
This is the only phone box that will fit the new parliamentary party in!
Mr. Clegg establishes what planet he’s on after the Jeremy Paxman interview.
Clegg: “And then they took off Cameron’s mask and I was so scared I had to hide behind the sofa.”
“I wanted to be Dr Who too but I guess prime minister will have to do.”
While Nick Clegg and John Leech were meeting the future hopes of the Yellows, the Blues were having their annual congress in the local phone boot.
Rob already got there before I could. He wins.
Dude on right (To self): You know, I wish I had a spaceship… 🙁
Nick is saying to John: “Don’t even blink. Blink and you’re dead. They are fast, faster than you could believe. Don’t turn your back, don’t look away, and don’t blink. Good luck.”
A child born today in Galafray will on average die a full 14 year before a child born just up the road in Sontara.
“Children all over the country are telling me they’re sick of the old blue-blue, blue-blue TARDIS. They want real change, change for real, change for good… Don’t let anyone tell you the TARDIS can’t be different. Together, we can make it happen”
“Yes, and half of our party members are obsessed with this Dr Who nonsense as well …..”
Kid 1 to Kid 2: “He’s not bad but I still prefer the Scottish one”
“… and that’s how even though their vote is smaller, it’s bigger on the inside of Parliament.”