It’s Friday. It’s five o’clock. Here’s a fistful of lists that sum up the LDV week:
5 most-read stories on LDV this week
- Has it all gone Jenny Tonge for David Ward? (87 comments) by Mark Valladares
- Labour party ‘gerrymandering’: recalling the only occasion in a century when a party has interfered with electoral boundaries (54 comments) by Simon McGrath
- Nick Clegg’s son’s schooling is none of your business (130 comments) by Nick Thornsby
- Holocaust Memorial Day, and a response to David Ward (31 comments) by Julian Huppert MP
- New university data shows everyone was wrong about tuition fees (40 comments) by Mark Pack
5 sample LDV Members’ Forum threads
- The Deflationary Effect of Tax Avoidance
- Raising awareness of community rights
- Vehicle efficiency rebound effect, road tolling etc.
- When did the web site acquire a splash screen? Bad idea.
- Cameron’s EU gamble
5 from the LDV archive
(1 February, 2007-12)
- Why a Labour MP is ashamed of his party (1 comment) by Mark Pack, from 2007
- Unforseen circumstances (0 comments) by Alex Foster, from 2009
- Vince: “Labour and the Tories are accusing each other of being confused and contradictory on the economy, and they’re both right.” (0 comments) by Stephen Tall, from 2010
- Julian Huppert: Winning the battle on the Digital Economy Act (9 comments) by Julian Huppert MP, from 2011
- E-petition backing up Nick Clegg’s wish to raise tax threshold (0 comments) by Caron Lindsay, from 2012
5 top reader search returns to get to LDV
(excluding Liberal Democrat Voice or its variants)
- david ward
- national minimum wage 2013
- david ward mp
- holocaust memorial day
- chris huhne
5 recent Lib Dem tweets
Hi all I am up on twitter and will occasionally tweet. But not about what I had for breakfast sort of things! P
— Paddy Ashdown (@paddyashdown) January 29, 2013
You’ve got to wonder. In a system where you win a third of the votes and half of the seats, how you can possible lie about it being unfair
— Martin Shapland (@MShapland) January 29, 2013
It is unfair for those who chose not to tie the knot to be punished financially for their decision, said @nick_clegg
— Lib Dem Press Office (@LibDemPress) February 1, 2013
Really needing to go to bed, but up translating Fairer Tax leaflets instead. #thelifeofalibdem
— Cadan ap Tomos (@violacadan) January 31, 2013
On now, #BBC #Pointless anagrams of MP’s from the #LibDems since 1980’s…
— Cllr Sandy Lay (@sandylay) January 30, 2013
If you are a Lib Dem who tweets, and would like to be added to Ryan’s Lib Dem Tweets aggregator, drop him an email at [email protected]
That’s it from the LDV Friday Five. Let the weekend commence in 5-4-3-2-1…
One Comment
Is a post on gerrymandering from 2010 really one of the most-read stories in 2013?