The LDV Friday Five: 1 February 2013

It’s Friday. It’s five o’clock. Here’s a fistful of lists that sum up the LDV week:

5 most-read stories on LDV this week

  1. Has it all gone Jenny Tonge for David Ward? (87 comments) by Mark Valladares
  2. Labour party ‘gerrymandering’: recalling the only occasion in a century when a party has interfered with electoral boundaries (54 comments) by Simon McGrath
  3. Nick Clegg’s son’s schooling is none of your business (130 comments) by Nick Thornsby
  4. Holocaust Memorial Day, and a response to David Ward (31 comments) by Julian Huppert MP
  5. New university data shows everyone was wrong about tuition fees (40 comments) by Mark Pack

5 sample LDV Members’ Forum threads

  1. The Deflationary Effect of Tax Avoidance
  2. Raising awareness of community rights
  3. Vehicle efficiency rebound effect, road tolling etc.
  4. When did the web site acquire a splash screen? Bad idea.
  5. Cameron’s EU gamble

5 from the LDV archive

(1 February, 2007-12)

  1. Why a Labour MP is ashamed of his party (1 comment) by Mark Pack, from 2007
  2. Unforseen circumstances (0 comments) by Alex Foster, from 2009
  3. Vince: “Labour and the Tories are accusing each other of being confused and contradictory on the economy, and they’re both right.” (0 comments) by Stephen Tall, from 2010
  4. Julian Huppert: Winning the battle on the Digital Economy Act (9 comments) by Julian Huppert MP, from 2011
  5. E-petition backing up Nick Clegg’s wish to raise tax threshold (0 comments) by Caron Lindsay, from 2012

5 top reader search returns to get to LDV

(excluding Liberal Democrat Voice or its variants)

  1. david ward
  2. national minimum wage 2013
  3. david ward mp
  4. holocaust memorial day
  5. chris huhne

5 recent Lib Dem tweets

If you are a Lib Dem who tweets, and would like to be added to Ryan’s Lib Dem Tweets aggregator, drop him an email at [email protected]

That’s it from the LDV Friday Five. Let the weekend commence in 5-4-3-2-1…

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    Chris , 380 billion relates to the Wests aid. There is nothing wrong in asking how you get to a position that would be acceptable to Ukraine. It's position is ...
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