LDV reported on Saturday that the independent Lib Dem Facebook fan group LibDem2010.com – now numbering well over 163,000 members – had hit upon the idea of organising ‘Flashmobs’ up and down the country to demonstrate the support for Nick Clegg’s party.
Well, here’s the result from Trafalgar Square, where scores of Cleggites actually followed through with the idea to spontaneously chant “I agree with Nick”.
LibDem2010.com’s creator Ben Stockman posted the following message of thanks to those supporters who made it happen:
Ben Stockman … personally thanks all of the people that rocked up to Trafalgar Square earlier to make our flashmob such a success, and an even bigger thanks to all those people who then went to various local constituencies to campaign on behalf of their local candidates. x
To get a flavour of what actually transpired in Trafalgar Square today, enjoy the following Flashmob video:
(Also available on YouTube here).
It all reminds me of Eddie Izzard’s definition of his own personal liberalism (no matter that he remains tribally Labour):
Politically, I am a radical liberal, that is my position. I would be a liberal, but the image of a liberal is sort of – because left and right have been in power for a long time in Britain, the image of a liberal is one of, “Oh… I’m not sure, and you’re…? Oh, really? And you…? Oh, really? I’m on the fence here…” But not for me, I am passionate about free health service for all, that’s a world idea, I think that’s very groovy, but also, if you have an idea, in small businesses or businesses don’t have to be sort of rape and pillaging things; that can be groovy. “Revolutionary liberal,” that sounds better to me, I think, storm the House of Parliament, kick the fucking doors in, get in there and say, “Look, we’ll pay for the damage.” Have a revolution, just budget for it, yeah? You know…
This is the LDs target list with count times, swing, etc. featuring their top 150 targets:
Here’s the Tory target list as well:
Might be useful on election night.
Someone said long before Izzard (and more elegantly):
“After the Revolution we shall lovingly replace the cobblestones, one by one.”
Eddie Izzard is on the Labour newspaper that just came through my door in Cambridge. Why oh why can’t he see that Labour have become part of the system?
This being 21st-century Britain, a police van is naturally in attendance…
Andy JS
This is the LDs target list with count times, swing, etc. featuring their top 150 targets:
No, this is not the LDs target list. It appears to be some list based purely on how the constituencies voted last time. Media commentators and other Westminster Bubble people can’t get beyond thinking like this. They think what people like them do and say is all that matters, so elections are all about the national image and everyone everywhere will vote based on that, so there will be a uniform swing in all constituencies.
I have just watched the BBC television news (something I am not accustomed to doing) and seen it asserted as a fact not an opinion that with a particular set of figures there will be a particular outcome in terms fo number of seats per party. This is outrageous from an organisation which is supposed to offer only neutral facts. If they cared for truth and accurate reporting, they would acknowledge the basis on which they made their estimates, and admit it is flawed because it pays no account to local factors.
Anyone who knows what the Liberal Democrats are really doing would know some of the seats listed here are nonsensical, the Liberal Democrats are not seriously taregetting them and would be astonished to win them on Thursday. But there are constuituencies the LibDems are working hard and know they have a good chance in which are not listed here.
>>>I have just watched the BBC television news
Yes, I would agree, the BBC’s political analysis has been really rubbish, hasn’t it? Nick Robinson, in my view, has been particularly unprofessional, giving every report a very distinct blue rinse, but there have been several others, rather giving the lie to the continual right-wing claim of left-wing bias within the BBC. Has anyone noticed any political reporting on the BBC giving a left-wing slant to any story? There certainly have been few giving a liberal democrat slant, either…. I would say that Andrew Neil, despite his clear political views, has been, for me, the one clear exception, amusingly mauling politicians of every particular variety, without fear or favour.
They do seem to have very little grasp of how to do impartial coverage (which does not mean following each gratuitously biased talking head with an oppositely biased one). I find myself wondering if they simply don’t want to, because they’re treating it as entertainment and semi-coherent shouting is more engaging to a large demographic.