The emergency motion up for discussion first thing this morning will have been decided by ballot of Conference goers. It’s likely that most people will be pretty bleary-eyed by this stage – especially those who have been at the Glee Club until stupid o’clock.
The main potential flashpoint of today is the debate on faith schools. This is another of those issues where liberal principles can lead you to either strongly held viewpoint. Conference will be offered three options on the way forward. You can read the arguments on both sides here and here.
The highlight of course is Tim Farron’s speech. It will be his pitch not to Lib Dem members, but to everyone who believes that the Government is on the wrong course on Brexit, to join us in our fight.
Here’s the full timetable.
09.00–09.30: Emergency motion or topical issue
09.30–09.50: Reports: Federal Board and Campaign for Gender Balance
09.50–11.05: Policy Motion: The Role of Faith in State-Funded Schools
11.05–11.45: Policy Motion: Associate Citizenship of the European Union
11.45–13.00: Tim Farron speech
You can follow events on the party website’s live blog or via the team’s Twitter feed on the sidebar or via the #ldconf tag on Twitter. Full details of the motions can be found here and anemdments in the Conference Extra and daily bulletins.
* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings
One Comment
It was a great Conference, but i was a little upset by the way in which a couple of speakers in the EU Citizenship debate seemed to assume that all older people (like myself) voted for Brexit and only young people see the need for the UK to stay in the EU.
The large number of new members at Conference was constantly mentioned and applauded.However, I think it should be remembered that if it wasn’t for the long standing members who stuck with the Lib Dems when so many others were leaving, there would have been no Party left for these new members to join