Top of the Blogs: The Lib Dem Golden Dozen #480

Welcome to the Golden Dozen, and our 480th weekly round-up from the Lib Dem blogosphere … Featuring the five most popular stories beyond Lib Dem Voice according to click-throughs from the Aggregator (7-13 May, 2017), together with a hand-picked seven you might otherwise have missed.

Don’t forget: you can sign up to receive the Golden Dozen direct to your email inbox — just click here — ensuring you never miss out on the best of Lib Dem blogging.

As ever, let’s start with the most popular post, and work our way down:

1. Labour MP airbrushes Lib Dem opponent out of photo but leaves in his legs by Mark Pack on Mark Pack.
I think the second photo in Mark’s piece is instructive, though.

2. The Conservative vs Lib Dem general election battle summed dup in one graph by Mark Pack on Mark Pack.
Where are the leaders visiting? There’s a remarkable correlation.

3. *Breaking* Lib Dem candidate statement for Hastings and Rye by Nick Perry on Nick Perry for Hastings and Rye.
So how did a genuine attempt to broker a deal on a progressive alliance theme go?

4. The Progressive Alliance have posters up in Richmond Park by Richard Morris on A View from Ham Common.
This is how to do it.

5. Lib Dem armchair strategists aren’t working by James on Badly Drawn Llama.
For the people who think they know best.

And now to the seven blog-posts that come highly recommended, regardless of the number of Aggregator click-throughs they attracted. To nominate a Lib Dem blog article published in the past seven days – your own, or someone else’s, all you have to do is drop a line to [email protected]. You can also contact us via Twitter, where we’re @libdemvoice

6. A Liberal Africa, a Liberal EU and Africa’s young leaders can create a recipe for success by Martin Roche on African Leadership Magazine.
How Africa’s Liberal young people can generate a liberal politics and form an alliance with the EU.

7. Regarding the CPS decision on Tory election expenses scandal by Jennie Rigg on Every second is a new spark, sets the universe aflame.
Some common sense and some home truths for a Conservative Party which has been found wanting by the Electoral Commission.

8. Is Danny Alexander trying to tell us something? by Jonathan Calder on Liberal England.
What’s in a retweet?

9. Vote for the nonattitudes party by Nick Barlow on What you can get away with.
On Labour being behind but having some popular policies

10. I woke up with an ear worm and it might be glee worthy – but it’s the Osmonds by Jennie Rigg on Every second is a new spark, sets the universe aflame.
We have Fiddlers Dram in the Glee Club songbook, for goodness’ sake. The Osmonds is quality in comparison.

11. What Emmanuel Macron becoming President of France means for Britain? by Nick Tyrone on
It should give confidence to progressives that winning power can be done.

12. Trans politicians standing for election – June 2017 by Zoe O’Connell on Complicity.
How many out trans people are standing in the GE?

And that’s it for another week. Happy blogging ‘n’ reading ‘n’ nominating.

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* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings

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