VIDEO: The three minutes of Tim’s speech where he speaks with raw rage about refugees

People have been requesting this clip. Click below for the three minutes of Tim’s conference speech when he spoke about refugees. The video starts when the passage starts. The passage ends at 31’32 with a standing ovation and then the video continues with the rest of the speech if you want to see it.

* Paul Walter is a Liberal Democrat activist and member of the Liberal Democrat Voice team. He blogs at Liberal Burblings.

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  • Eddie Sammon 26th Sep '15 - 4:17pm

    The story of a 14 year old boy with two broken legs in a wheelchair being pushed by an 11 year old boy because both parents had died on the trip is harrowing.

    However we all have topics we are angry about and one of mine is that we should be passionate about helping Iraqi Kurds defending their country and although Tim voted for it you can hardly say he seems very interested in how the fight is going.

  • Eddie Sammon 26th Sep '15 - 9:08pm

    There’s a meeting at the UN in New York this week where Cameron is trying to find a solution to the Syria crisis. What’s the Lib Dem’s solution? Near policy-less in this area.

    Just letting more refugees in is not a complete solution to the refugee crisis. The Lib Dems should be a governing party in waiting, not a lot to say on some topics with hardly any thought given to others.

  • Compassion for everyone except for the poor, sick and disabled in the UK left devastated because of coalition policies. Why has nobody offered their spare rooms to the homeless on our streets? All with a tragic story and all human beings. Will their hope of social housing disappear now? Will unscrupulous buy to let landlords evict their tenants as they hear the kerching of state money to house migrants/refugees? Already happening in Sweden and Germany.

  • Shaun Cunningham 27th Sep '15 - 1:08pm

    Wish this party would stop playing the emotional card. Look behind the imagery beamed into our homes and the facts do not support this emotional sermon. I really wish Tim well in his leadership, honestly I do, however, he’s on the wrong side of public opinion on this one and so are a large number of this party membership.

    I can understand the soul stirring that modern imagery has on the heart, but to make sound judgement one needs to remove away from the sentimental feelings and look at the soundness the media is portraying.

    There are many in the party who do not support this “come on in mentality”. The answer to this huge problem will not be found here on our shores, but on the shores of Syria. This party needs to address the question how do we defeat “ IS” and they won’t be defeated by pussyfooting around. If the young men of Syria are not going to fight for their country who is?

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