Well, it is April 1st

We’re pleased many of you enjoyed our little prank today.  To maintain the joke we kept all most of the comments in moderation, but have now released them, so you can go back and see who fell for it.

For some readers the penny only dropped when they read our new comments policy for today.

Here is a round-up of some other April Fools that we liked across the media:

The Guardian tried to get us to believe that Jeremy Clarkson had turned environmental campaigner.

Pink News told us that Nick Clegg had joined Grindr for the duration of the election.

And scientists at Cern say May The Force be with EU.

Mark Pack had a beautifully crafted piece about how the party was using automated technology. The first part was almost plausible. we rumbled it at the robo-calling and the end is hilarious.

The Telegraph reports on plans to turn Leaning Tower of Pisa into a luxury hotel called 3.99 degrees.

Mixmag tells us about the new cat nightclub in Japan.

And the Evening News reports on a bit of a cock up with the construction of the new Forth bridge. 

The Guardian also has a round-up of the best jokes from around the world.

And you must check out com.google.




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  • Paul Valentine 1st Apr '15 - 12:18pm

    Mark Pack’s article was excellent.

  • Eddie Sammon 1st Apr '15 - 12:40pm

    Lol, I was astonished at the new comments policy last night, but immediately thought “this must be a joke, what date is it?” Lol! So didn’t quite fall for it.

  • Stevan Rose 1st Apr '15 - 6:50pm

    Surely if confused.com can send out Brian the robot to sell insurance we can do the same to sell the party. Not so far-fetched. Now Brian has become so popular they’re giving away mini-Brian toys. So how about a range of Nick and Vince action figures where you pull a cord and it tells you a policy. Or better still recruit Brian as the next leader.

  • SIMON BANKS 2nd Apr '15 - 10:17pm

    WordPress had a good one in their usual Good News announcement style for users about how bloggers who couldn’t think of anything to say or bother to post could now relax because a new app would analyse their past blogs and come up with the blog post they would have made if they’d got round to it.

  • Steve Comer 3rd Apr '15 - 9:56pm

    But I thought Ollie Grndr had already joined Nick for the campaign?

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