Working towards a Decade for Women – Come and be part of it!

‘Ce n’est pas la conscience des hommes qui détermine leur être; c’est inversement leur être social qui détermine leur conscience’. Marx

Roughly translated: ‘you are who you are because of your life experience, not the other way round’.

It may seem strange to begin an article on LDW’s elections with a quotation from Marx, but it is apt and points to why LDW exists within the party. LDW next year anticipates launching its ‘Decade for Women’. A decade that will seek to change how women in decision making are perceived, vastly increase the number of the party’s women MPs, Council leaders and councillors and ensure that all our policies reflect the needs and aspirations of women.

That’s a tall order, but it doesn’t stop there! Opportunity for women to develop as entrepreneurs, be accepted in senior positions in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths and be properly represented in metropolitan and local leadership is also part of the aim.

It starts here and it starts now.

LDW has helped in the elections of our four new women MPs and we are delighted that they can join us for an event in Bournemouth. We have been involved with a number of organisations such as the IPPR and Fawcett Society. We work with CGB and others to enable greater representation both at national and local level. We have influenced party policy through the party’s working groups.

Over the next few weeks, LDW will elect its new Executive and Chair. Next year, that body will hold the first event of our ‘Decade for Women’. We want you to be a part if it.



No matter what political experience you have, whether a Newbie, or an Old Hand, your life experience will be a valuable asset – one area where I agree with Marx! For those more experienced in politics, this is your opportunity to make a real difference to the hopes and aspirations of women, inside and outside the party. For Newbies, it is your chance to shape the future direction of LDW and the party and bring your experience to bear on it.

We want to call out to women everywhere and show that the Liberal Democrats can make a difference. You can start making that difference now and put your name forward for the Executive. Join us in making our ‘Decade for Women’ into a call to action and a lasting success.

If you are already a member of LDW, fill in a nomination form. You will need your party membership number and a proposer – also a member of LDW to sign. Forms will be available at the LDW conference stand. Just ask if you are interested and want to know more. If you are not sure who to ask to propose you, then just let us know. We can help.

Follow this link for more information.


* Flo Clucas OBE is the President of the ALDE Gender Equality Network and former President of the ALDE Group on the EU Committee of the Regions. She was a councillor in Liverpool City Council for 26 years.

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