While attention may well have been on this week’s three Parliamentary by-elections, there have also been Council by-elections across Britain with some great holds for the Lib Dems and some very tight and dramatic results.
Firstly we would like to say a huge congratulations to Cllr Raymond ‘Truck’ Evans and Ceredigion Lib Dems for holding Llanfarian ward on the Ceredigion County Council.
We know the local team worked extremely hard for the win, beating Plaid Cymru by 8 votes. Such a narrow victory shows that every single leaflet and every single door knocked on really does count!
Congratulations once again to Councillor Evans and the local team.
Ceredigion CC, Llanfarian
Liberal Democrat (Raymond Evans): 298 (48.2%, -19.8)
Plaid Cymru: 290 (46.9%, +15.0)
Conservative: 30 (4.9%, +4.9)
Our second win of the evening came on Dorchester Town Council as Cllr Kate Reid held the seat of Dorchester East for the Lib Dems.
It was a competitive election with all 4 main parties standing plus an independent. But well done to Kate and the local team for polling exactly double the number of votes as the Green Party in second place.
Congratulations Cllr Reid on a great win!
Dorchester TC, Dorchester East
Liberal Democrat (Kate Reid): 480 (39.6%)
Green Party: 240 (19.8%)
Independent:181 (14.9%)
Conservative: 168 (13.9%)
Labour: 142 (11.7%)
On Worcester City Council we finished a sold third place in Nunnery ward. Thank you to Scott Butler for standing and delivering such a positive result. Labour held the ward.
Worcester City Council, Nunnery
Labour: 1048 (59.6%)
Conservative: 518 (29.5%)
Liberal Democrat (Scott Butler): 102 (5.8%)
Independent: 88 (5%)
Finally on Swindon BC the Conservatives gained St Margaret & South Marston ward from Labour by a very narrow 25 votes! There was no Lib Dem candidate.
Swindon BC, Nunnery
Conservative: 1143 (50.6%, +2.1%)
Labour: 1118 (49.4%, -2.1%)
A full summary of all results can be found on the ALDC by-elections page here.
If we have missed a result – particularly a good Town or Parish council Lib Dem win – please let us know by emailing [email protected]
* Charles Quinn is Campaigns Organiser for ALDC and a local councillor in Hull.
Close shave in Ceredigion.
Name of Ward in Swindon result is wrong.