We’ve produced a campaign kit for the 2017 General Election for activists new and old alike.
Included in the pack are more than 15 briefings, info sheets, ‘how to’ guides, a plan, an election timetable and a range of sources for more help, advice and guidance.
To receive your free copy in the post, register on ALDC’s website.
We hope you’ll put the campaign kit to good use getting your candidate elected on the 8th June. The kit’s contents have been developed by community campaigners during our 50-year lifetime and used to great success by activists over the past year, resulting in a net gain of 33 in local by-elections – our most successful year ever.
Help us get the pack to as many activists who could benefit from it by sharing the campaign kit registration link (www.aldc.org/ge2017-campaign-kit) with them. At ALDC, we want to make sure as many activists as possible have access to the information to help them campaign to win.
We’ll be mailing the campaign kit, as soon as we get it back from the printers.
If you’re an ALDC member, the kit’s PDFs can be found in our File Library (Templates > Election time > ALDC General Election 2017 Campaign Kit).
And if you’re not an ALDC member, now’s an ample time to join us…
Campaigning Liberal Democrats choose ALDC
Improve your chances of winning by becoming an ALDC member so that you can benefit from the wealth of helpful services and templates that we offer. No matter whether you are a parliamentary or councillor candidate; agent; organiser; community campaigner; or an activist… being an ALDC member will grant you access to our advice, resources and training all for just £3.41 a month.
Sign-up online at: www.aldc.org/join
Let’s change the direction of our country on Thursday 8 June – good luck campaigning!
* ALDC is the Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors and Campaigners