ALDC’s local election appeal 2017 – help us do even better than last year

I’m sure you’ll have noticed how well we’ve been doing in local by-elections, and with your support, we can do better still.

In May 2016, we secured a net gain of 45 councillors. We can do even better this year, by helping scores of our enthusiastic and hard-working campaigners get across the winning line.

We want to back an additional 50 wards we are fighting to win this May. To do this we need to raise £15,000.

Every year we support seats with cash grants from G8 or our Fighting Fund. Our stunning win in Sunderland from less than 4% the previous year; our retaking control of Watford Council; and retaining our only councillor in Newport’s St Julian’s Ward were all supported by these grants.

How you can donate:

  1. Online via our website:
  2. Send a cheque made payable to ALDC, to: Local Election Appeal, Freepost Plus RTEG- LHLL-JYTG, ALDC, 23 New Mount Street, Manchester M4 4DE

What your donation can buy in our key battleground seats:

  • £300 – A full-ward contribution
  • £180 – A colour leaflet
  • £100 – Residents’ survey
  • £50 – Calling cards

The 2017 local elections provide the perfect opportunity to re-establish ourselves as winners in the national media’s mind. Your support to help us achieve this would be greatly appreciated.

* ALDC is the Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors and Campaigners

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