If you’ve read Iain’s post about Anna Arrowsmith “The LibDem Candidate Who Supports Labour” there’s one little detail you won’t have seen. The shocking piece of text saying that Anna Arrrowsmith supports Labour is … six years old. Yes verily, it’s shocking news that the party has selected as a candidate someone who was a Labour supporter six years ago 🙂
Hat-tip and further details: this comment from Alex Macfie
Don’t tell anybody else and in the strictest confidence, but I voted Conservative.
Twenty three years ago.
Who knew that Iain Dale could be so disingenuous and immature, or the Tories so judgmental?
Being as a number of Tory Candidates are former activists and members of other parties this seems a decidedly odd and hypocritical angle for Iain to take.
Just check out Louise Bagshaw, now Tory PPC for Corby and former labour party member
Also maybe Iain should remember what he wrote a little more. Helen Grant who got selected in a held seat not long after campaigning for the labour party.
So what huh Iain… a little consistency and reflection may be just what thedoctor ordered.
Speaking from a purely artistic point of view, Anna Arrowsmith’s cheerfully unabashed porn is a damned sight more honest and liberating and, well, empowering than Louise Bagshawe’s hackneyed shopping’n’shagging generic chicklit.