Author Archives: Felix Greaves

Opinion: We need to talk about the NHS

Later this week , at spring conference in Gateshead, the Liberal Democrats will have the opportunity to debate issues and define party policy. Now, more than ever, this internal democratic process has the opportunity to actually influence what the government does. The NHS is likely to be on most people’s minds, and possibly on the agenda as an emergency motion.

I’m a member of the Liberal Democrats, but as a doctor, I’m also a member of a number of other organisations too. I’ve become acutely aware of the very different ways that these organisations have responded to the health …

Posted in Conference, Op-eds and Parliament | Tagged and | 34 Comments

Opinion: NHS reforms need careful examination

I am a public health doctor and a member of the Liberal Democrats. I am also, in the words of Gordon Birtwistle, when he spoke in the debate on the new Health and Social Care Bill, one of the “faceless bureaucrats in palatial offices” that he blames for the failings of the NHS. I’d like to put a couple of arguments against the new health reforms, as I don’t believe that as a party we are very well informed about what these health reforms mean.

The reforms of the NHS are a substantial departure from what we had before. …

Posted in Op-eds | 39 Comments

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