Author Archives: Michael Carchrie Campbell

Opinion: The forgotten family member and what Nick said…

Many people think of the Liberal Democrats as a family. I know that I have often felt part of a huge family when I have been across on ‘the other off-shore island’ whether it’s at conferences – Federal Party, Scottish Party, or LDYS (oops: I’m showing my age) – or helping with elections be they local elections in Manchester with Cllr Paul Shannon and our dear friend the late Neil Trafford, or when I helped in Ipswich with all the camaraderie that …

Posted in Op-eds | Tagged | 13 Comments

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  • Peter Martin
    @ Katharine, I don't really understand your point of: "We Liberal Democrats are working for ‘a fairer society’, and not demanding an end to ineq...
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  • Jenny Barnes
    here's one,the%20costs%20of%20actual%...
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