Layla Moran appeared on Channel 4 News last night. “(She said) her relatives are among hundreds of civilians trapped in a Catholic Church in Gaza City as Israeli forces operate nearby.
Over the weekend, the Catholic authority in the region claimed that two women were killed by Israeli snipers inside the Holy Family Parish compound. Israel has denied targeting the church.”
You can watch the interview by clicking on the arrow above or here.
This is beyond disturbing, especially when the denial by the Israeli MP is considered alongside Layla’s account. It should come as no surprise. Consider the following told by Bibi to Max Hastings back in 1976 and taken from Hastings’ autobiography ‘Going to the Wars’ (Kindle, loc. 3543).
” ‘In the next war, if we do it right we’ll have the chance to get all the Arabs out’, he said. ‘We can clear the West bank, sort out Jerusalem.’ He joked about the Golani Brigade, the Israeli infantry force in which so many men were North African or Yemenite Jews. ‘They’re okay as long as they’re led by white officers.’ He grinned.”
It’s time for the party to stop pussy-footing around while Baroness Warsi and Ben Wallace make the running.
I watched the C4 interview live and was appalled by the Israeli MP’s attitude.
Thanks to John McHugo for his noteworthy post.
Is it other than a statement of an intention to follow policies of racial cleansing and extermination?
I watched the interview with the Israeli MP with incredulity. Does he really believe the claptrap he was spouting?
As I said on another thread, it’s the dialogue of the deaf, where Israeli and Hamas spokespeople continue to ignore what the other side is saying and to push for their increasingly impossible solution to the problem, each blaming the other for the thousands of innocent civilian deaths.
We need an unconditional ceasefire now
@ Mick Taylor Agree with every word, Mick.
Is Israel ignoring what Hamas is saying? Hamas are dedicated to the destruction of Israel, say so unambiguously and act accordingly.
According to Wikipedia, a 2017 statement by Hamas offers a10 to 100 year truce which some see as consistent with a two state approach.
@Mark Frankel,
You are right – that is Hamas’s official policy. But they have shown signs of moderation in the past, as in their May 2017 ‘Document of General Principles and Policies’ which seemed open to a two state solution. Unfortunately, time after time Israel has spurned Arab attempts at moderation, most notably in its rejection of the 2002 Arab League Peace Plan. The Netanyahu government opposes the two state solution, and has used military force to frustrate it. Is not that equally extreme? It has also cut the ground from under Palestinian moderates.
The Economist reports on 1 & 2 state possible “solutions” to the conflict.
For both Israelis and Palestinians, support for – 2 states is around 33%
-1 state with equality 20%
-1 state without equality (ie (p)destruction of Israel // (i)continuation of the status quo ante bellum) 30% Palestinian, 35% Israeli
It doesn’t look very hopeful that at least 2/3 of the inhabitants of the region oppose each possible solution.
Might the influences and actions of the U. S. A be significant?
Israel is not coming well out of this situation. No one condones the Hamas attack, murders and hostage taking. They should remember that they partly won Israel through terrorism. Never forget the King David Hotel bombing and the murders and booby trapping the bodies of the two Intelligence Corps Sergeants. After the massacre the Israelis should have done the same as they did after the murders of the athletes at the Munich Olympics they hunted them down. Put them on trial not kill thousands of women and children. They behave like a colonising force determined to remove the natives. Settlers doing what they like killing Palestinians. A two state solution is the only hope for both sides. The worst is listening to USA born and Scottish born Military spokespersons. Lets push for peace not ceasefires hopefully with a UN peacekeeping force. The USA must stop supporting this unprincipled regime, which is not typical of the Jewish community.