Cable: “Liberal Democrats committed to Crossrail”

Not exactly breaking news, but a reaffirming today of the Lib Dems’ backing for Crossrail, with a financial caveat:

Vince Cable has told the Evening Standard that the Liberal Democrats are backing Crossrail, the east-west railway now under construction in London:

The Liberal Democrats are fully committed to the Crossrail project and we certainly have no plans to scrap it.

However, as with all projects involving public sector money it is critical that Crossrail stays within its agreed budget.

Caroline Pidgeon, Chair of the London Assembly’s Transport Committee told Lib Dem Voice:

The Liberal Democrats have always been fully committed to Crossrail. The real test will be if there’s a change in Government, and whether the other parties are committed too.

The project will result in a significant increase in capacity across central London. Clearly there are always tensions and issues around paying for it, particularly with the levy on businesses at this time – and that will have to be dealt with sensitively.

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This entry was posted in London and News.


  • The tunnel is fine. The plan behind it is dire.

  • Good to hear this.

    London has far more and better public transport than the rest of the country but, being so well used, it is bursting at the seams. We desperately need to build not just Crossrail but numerous other projects that have been planned and then shelved. Where all the money comes from, I don’t know, but if you want to see what a transport network looks like after a twenty-year “investment holiday”, have a look at what the Underground looked like when the Tories were finished with it.

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