Category Archives: Poetry

A lull in Lithuania

Nothing on the telly for the family in Kaunas,
Lithuania’s Got Talent has finished,
And, A Lyga has yet to begin.
So they dip once more
Into the slowly unfolding soap,
The full series box set, enthralled in us.
To the terracotta streets
Of Vilnius.

Something stimulating in the slow-mo collapse,
Something sagacious in observing such a public fall from grace.
Something sad but satisfying,
When at long, long last they’re on their way up,
And they crane their collectively concerned crowns.
Bite, to steady a trembling lip as they recall darker days.
Hands held in unity, so badly burned,
Like a vigil held to mistakes so painlessly made
From which they are agonizingly learned.
And pity
The embarrassed, befuddled, fools on their way down.


Christmas Competition: Promoting ‘Terminally Green’

Oh, let us be, eventually, recycled,

Let us be with nature quite serene,

In a cardboard box,

To feed our hollyhocks,

Let us be quite terminally green.


Oh, let us be eventually recycled,

Don’t let us be like some old plastic bag,

If we should become quite ill,

Don’t put us in landfill,

We can’t be an environmental drag.


Oh, let us be eventually recycled,

We’ll stop this global warming in a trice,

Carbon footprints left behind?

That’s not what’s on our mind,

We want to be environmentally nice.

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Strong and stable

Strong and stable

Theresa’s been
given her lines.
Yes, Strong and Stable
it’s on the table,
not fact but fable,
it’s just a label,
hopeless, not able,
propaganda Babel.

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Spring Conference

York, March 2017

the tragedy of

ray of hope
EU Associate Citizenship
a lifeline

deep sadness
unaccompanied refugee children

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Sangria in Spain: An ode to #Remain

Austrian ParliamentOver the last few weeks I’ve seen some impassioned and considered blog posts outlining so eloquently why the respective authors want to remain in the EU. I must admit, I panicked. How could I make my own contribution to the debate in the last few weeks stand out from the rest?
Yesterday evening, it struck me. Something that hasn’t (to my knowledge) been done before… An A-Z ‘Remain’ poem and general ode to the EU! You saw it here first. Enjoy….



we’re down now
but we’ll get up.
Hey, let’s face it
we’ve been
down before.
Not the first time.
Probably not the last.
You don’t become
a Lib Dem
because you
lust LOVE power,
long to clasp it
sweatily to you
knuckles sprung tensed.
Really no.

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2015 Autumn Conference – Some first impressions



shared values



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LDV Poetry: Moving forward



what a cruel night

and so unexpected.

Friends and colleagues


so much expertise


as if on a whim.

Also posted in News | Tagged and | 16 Comments

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