Just a quick reminder that all the main documents relating to Lib Dem conference in Bournemouth – now less than fortnight away – are now available directly from the party’s website.
These include the main hall agenda, the policy papers to be debated and fringe and training guides.
Find them all at this handy link.
It’s also worth noting and commending that the information is available in a variety of formats, from the printed books, the PDFs of those, and also simply as plain text – which is good and accessible for those with disabilities and also very handy for PDAs, phones and quick searching when you need to find something fast.
LDV at conference
LDV have four conference events, and I will bringing you the full details tomorrow along with our finalised speaker list. We’ll also have a questionnaire for members of our forum on behalf of think-tank IPPR – the answers you give will serve as the fifth panelist at their fringe on Tuesday lunchtime.
We are always very keen to attract guest writers for Lib Dem Voice, but never more so than at Conference and in the run up to it.
Before conference
We’re keen to get the debate started long before delegates take their seats in the conference hall, so if you have a view about the policy we’ll be debating, write us an article. If you need support for an amendment – or are drafting a speech – why not reuse and rehearse your material in the form of article here?
One paper in particular, the party’s Real Women policy paper, has already been subject to a deal of debate in an article – followed by your comments – from Jo Swinson MP; and fifty comments following this introductory piece from Helen Duffett.
At conference
At least five of the regular LDV staff are signed up for all or part of conference, and we will be providing audio, video and text coverage of the events as they happen, as we have done now for a number of years. But we are still interested in hearing a variety of voices and opening our platform out to other writers.
Five of us can’t get to every fringe event so if you would like to review those for us we are particularly keen to hear from you. We are usually in the position of being able to trade a half hour’s worth of internet access for your copy, if you find that tempting! It helps our planning if you can let us know in advance if you would like to write for us, but we do understand it doesn’t always work like that, so feel free to speak to us at conference.