Conservative referred to racism watchdog by Liberal Democrats

David CameronEd Davey has today written to the Commission for Racial Equality providing details of an offensive email sent by a Conservative councillor and parliamentary candidate.

Ed has also written to David Cameron and Francis Maude calling for the Conservatives to take swift and decisive disciplinary action.

The email – which contains an inflammatory ‘poem’ that features on a white supremacist website, as well as a picture of the white cliffs of Dover with the words ‘piss off – we’re full’ on them – was sent by Conservative councillor Ellenor Bland to other Conservative councillors and party members.

Liberal Democrat Chair of Campaigns and Communications, Edward Davey MP, said:

“It is totally unacceptable for elected representatives to be distributing this kind of material. Racism has absolutely no place in British politics and I am asking the CRE to advise on what further action can be taken.

“If David Cameron wants to retain any credibility he must immediately take the strongest action against the person responsible.

“Despite David Cameron’s best PR efforts, the Conservative Party clearly continues to contain some deeply unpleasant elements.”

Update: The BBC is reporting that Cllr Bland, who was the Tories’ candidate in Swansea East last year, has been suspended from their list of approved parliamentary candidates.

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2 Trackbacks

  • […] Calne town councillor Ellie Bland, who has been suspended from the Tory party for sending a racist email, is the subject of a poll on her local paper’s website. […]

  • By Quaequam Blog! » Blog Archive » James Gra(v)y on Mon 20th November 2006 at 1:36 pm.

    […] Personally, I was unaware until recently – and it certainly hasn’t been widely reported – that Ellie Brand, the approved Tory candidate who was felled for passing around a racist email, is a North Wiltshire constituent of Mr Gray’s and thus a possible beneficiary of his deselection. Coinkidink? […]

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