My poor husband doesn’t get a lot in the way of post. It tends to be bills, or adverts for stair lifts or begging letters from the Liberal Democrats.
The latter do not please him so I tend to intercept them so he doesn’t see them. He is of the not entirely unjustified opinion that his household has more than enough disruption because of his wife’s involvement in the party that they don’t need his money as well. The begging letters, 3 issues of Ad Lib a year and an absent wife sum up his membership experience. That and every five years, he stands in a ward of our Council that he has huge affection for because he worked there three decades ago.
So, yesterday, the postman left a strange looking cream envelope addressed to him with no indication of where it came from. I was fairly certain it wasn’t a begging letter from the Liberal Democrats so I gave it to him to open.
In fact, it was a very nice letter from Tim Farron thanking him for being a candidate in the local elections and commiserating with him for not being elected.
He was seriously chuffed to get it.
So, whoever in Great George Street thought this one up, well done. Take a bow.
I think that the People directorate in LDHQ are really starting to do some exciting and thoughtful stuff to make sure that members feel included and appreciated.
* Caron Lindsay is Editor of Liberal Democrat Voice and blogs at Caron's Musings
If he has any Premium Bonds consider selling them in case he wins something, as one of the daughters of a distant relative of ours has just done. She or she is in Canada.
It’s a really good thing to do – but ALDC were doing this back in the days (1998/99 onwards at least)
I recall, when we won a seat in Gillingham Kent, the then party leader actually telephoned the candidate to congratulate her. It was Paddy.
I agree it is a very nice thing to do. Paddy sent me a personal letter once to say thank you too, I was very pleased.
Comments about matters which are off-topic have been removed.
I was a candidate for the recent local Buckingham County Council election but have not received a thank you letter. What criteria are used to decide who gets a letter and who doesn’t?
I suspect they are being sent in batches.
I also received a signed letter from Paddy when I won my seat in a council by-election in 1991. It is good that HQ are getting back to doing the simple things right.
Have now received my thank you letter in the post today.
However we do on 8 June there is likely to be an element of disapointment amongst our largely “new” membership. We need to ensure we hold onto all of these new recruits and continue to attract more. Courtesy costs nothing and we need to ensure we don’t let the membership slip back below 100K. On the contrary 200k should be our direction.