I’ve been emailed by a Real Woman

A Real Woman has been in touch to tell me about new Lib Dem policy proposals for Real Women.

As readers of the Voice should know by now – Jo Swinson MP penned a piece on Perez and photoshopping last week – the Lib Dems have a policy paper on women’s rights. The full paper is available at www.RealWomen.org.uk, and here’s the summary from the front page:

Women face pressure from all directions these days. Hit hard by the recession, trying to juggle family commitments with work and home life, it’s easy to feel like you’re running just to stand still. The media screams out an endless list of things still to do: get a bikini body in 20 days, plan the perfect children’s party, how to look 10 years younger. Despite great strides forward in equality, women still get paid less than men, and generally still end up taking more responsibility for childcare and looking after elderly relatives. This can be hugely rewarding, but combining this with a job can seem almost impossible.

There’s a lot the Government could do to give a helping hand. Making employers check for pay discrimination would help women get the money they deserve. Providing 20 hours per week free childcare would allow parents to make real choices about returning to work. Enabling everyone to ask for flexible working would help to change the rigid work culture, and make it easier to juggle different commitments. And it would be nice to inject some realism into the media’s portrayal of women, instead of the suggestion that nothing less than perfection will do.

Today’s email was asking us to spread the word:

We want to make sure as many women as possible (Liberal Democrat or not) to benefit from the policies in Real Women and the advice contained on the site.

Help us spread the word about Real Women:

  • Send an email about Real Women to 5 people you know, regardless of whether they are Liberal Democrat supporters or not
  • Post this site to your social networking page(s)
  • Blog about it / Tweet about it
  • Print out a copy and send it to anyone that does not have online access
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This entry was posted in News and Party policy and internal matters.


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