Hours after making his case to be Lib Dem party President, Jason Zadrozny has whipped his hat back out of the ring and thrown his political weight behind Susan Kramer.
Jason has sent out this email:
I wanted you to be one of the first people to know that I have today decided to withdraw from my campaign to become President of the Liberal Democrats and have thrown my weight behind efforts to elect Susan Kramer.
I think the role of Party President is vital for the future of our party. I firmly believe that whoever holds the position should consider the party’s membership to be their number one priority and be free to represent their views.
I stood in order to ensure that our new President will prioritise improving communications between the grassroots and leadership of our party. The successful candidate must have the time to go out and listen to supporters across the country.
Susan Kramer is an experienced campaigner and a former MP who understands how to communicate members’ views and concerns to our leaders.
Nearly two decades of grassroots experience make Susan an excellent candidate for Party President. She really understands what it’s like to be a rank-and-file member of the Liberal Democrats.
I have come to understand that Susan and I work towards the same goal: a strong party, in touch with its principles. I am therefore proud to endorse Susan Kramer.
Susan Kramer this afternoon said: “The Coalition makes it even more urgent that we build a strong team that works together to represent the views of members from across the country.”
I am delighted that Jason and I both possess the same vision for the party and I look forward to working closely with him in the future. I appreciate that Jason has chosen to end his candidacy and I hope he will become an important member of my team if I am elected Party President.”
I would like to thank the many of you from across the Country who contacted me about my campaign, I was truly touched by the levels of support. I would ask you now, if you believe in the principles Susan and I believe in, and that the grass roots of our party should have a srong, positive voice then please support Susan Kramer to be the next President of our Party.
One Comment
That was the fastest U turn for a long time. I was just about to try to find out Jason Zadroznys credentials.