Labour’s Tower Hamlets selection nightmare

You select a candidate in a keenly contested election.

You then receive complaints about how the contest was run.

So you suspend the candidate and, er…, don’t rush through an investigation or recount the votes to find a new winner or put the runner-up in post but instead your national committee hands the candidature to someone else, without members getting a say in the matter.

Oh, and the original winner decides to stand anyway, but as an independent.

Welcome to the tale of Labour’s Mayoral selection in Tower Hamlets, as told over on Dave Hill’s blog.

The Liberal Democrat candidate is John Griffiths, who you can find on Facebook and Twitter for the latest news and how to help his campaign.

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One Comment

  • Rabi Martins 25th Sep '10 - 9:45am

    The Liberal Democrats candidate should of course have been Ajmal Masroor who was our candidate in the General Election and establsihed a high profile for himself. The circumstances of John’s selection was is not without controversy So we need to be careful hhat we say about other Parties in this contest. People in glass houses etc etc etc

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