The LDV Saturday Six: 25 September 2010

It’s Saturday, so here’s a smattering of lists that sum up the past week on Liberal Democrat Voice:
(No Friday Five yesterday, to make way for Linda Jack’s superbly guest-edited day)

6 most-read stories on LDV this week

1. What did you make of Nick Clegg’s conference speech? (97 comments) by Stephen Tall
2. Just how daft does David Miliband think Liberal Democrats are? (13 comments) by Mark Pack
3. Opinion: Evan Harris’s major error (39 comments) by Andy Mayer
4. What did you make of Vince Cable’s speech? (65 comments) by Stephen Tall
5. LDVideo conference edition (1): Nick Clegg special (0 comments) by Stephen Tall
6. Nick Clegg writes on welfare in the Times (90 comments) by Iain Roberts

6 active LDV Members’ Forum threads

1. Who should be Lib Dem president? Susan, Jennie or Tim?
2. Ed Milliband
3. Nick Clegg: There is no future for us as a party of the left
4. What next after PagePlus 11?
5. Circumcision
6. Tax evasion/avoidance

6 top reader search returns to get to LDV

(excluding Liberal Democrat Voice or its variants)
1. anna werrin (-)
2. baby p (-)
3. social liberal forum (-1)
4. richard livsey (-)
5. nick clegg r&d (-)
6. lib dem conference (-)

6 most active groups on ACT

1. Say No to Trident
2. Liberal Youth
3. Liberal Democrats for Drug Policy Reform
4. ENGAGE – The Lib Dem Policy Network
5. Sustainable Futures: Energy, Development and the Environment
6. Say Yes to Proportional Representation

6 from the LDV archive

(25th September, 2006-09)
1. LDV readers say: pay MPs more! by Stephen Tall, from 2009
2. Opinion: MPs have the power – so how do we involve the members? by Tim Leunig, from 2009
3. Presidential election news by The Voice, from 2008
4. Information Commissioner: Lib Dems must stop automated phone calls by Stephen Tall, from 2008
5. Vince hits out at Gordon’s ‘Big Tentism’ by Stephen Tall, from 2007
6. Blair’s cabinet: ‘A Brown premiereship would be like sucking on a lemon…’ by The Founding Editor, from 2006

6 recent Lib Dem tweets

>> @millenniumdome My gay daddies voted hand on hand for equal marriage #ldconf #ldwin
>> @IanEiloart Evening Standard says Lib Dems are probably far more united than either Tories or Labour. #ldconf
>> @CllrDaisyBenson watching @camdenjo in the diversity debate at #ldconf earlier on BBC Parliament – great speech
>> @swhitebread Lots of Lib Dems teasing Labour for choosing Ken. He did a lot of good for London – losing once shouldn’t mean you never get another chance.
>> @DuncanStott blog doesn’t accept comments. Insert chicken noises here.
>> @themsley is described in The Times today as “not having a beard”.

If you are a Lib Dem who tweets, and would like to be added to Ryan’s Lib Dem Tweets aggregator, drop him an email at [email protected]

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This entry was posted in Friday Five.

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